Sunday, October 11, 2009

Happy Birthday Papa!

Today we celebrated Papa Bryant's 70th birthday. We hope for many more great birthdays with you. We love you and love being with you.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

So Long Metrodome

The boys enjoyed their last baseball game at the metrodome. The new Twins stadium opens six months from today. Today we take on the Tigers in a single game tie breaker. The winner advances to the playoffs. Go TWINKIES!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Danny is 4!

Where does time go? While we await baby #4 in just 2 weeks, our 2nd child is 4 today (Monday).

Oh it seems like yesterday that Danny had no hair (see below, and really he didn't have much for a LONG time!)...but Danny has always been a gaggle of giggles, his boyish smile, energy and laughter have been blessings to our family for 4 years.

He is becoming a greater big brother to lil' sis Allie, especially due to Tyler being in kindergarten all morning every day of the week now...he is "the man of the house" on Mon, Wed and Fri mornings!
Danny is in year 2 of preschool and has Ms Nancy, who Tyler had in year 1 of preschool. He likes her already because "She doesn't talk to me much.". Ah, kids.
Danny's biggest desires still seem to be anything physical ("Transformer fights" with dad and tyler), generally tackling, is a big swinger on the swing set these days, and this past summer has been making chalk drawings every day (yes, that is a lot of chalk).

Thanks to many family that were here Saturday for a party of sorts for Danny, he had a "great time, yeah" and Sunday went to Chuck E Cheese with Ava and Rowan, a school friend and the other a neighbor, for his "friends" celebration. What a weekend of birthday mania!

We love you Danny, happy 4th birthday!