Sunday, June 29, 2008

"I got it! I got it!

A funny video from the Science Museum. A ball defies gravity due to a fan giving the ball lift.

Friday, June 27, 2008


Am I doing it yet? Is this a wink? Danny shows me his new trick.


!!!Beauty Products!!!

Monday thru Thursday

VBS. I taught arts and activities for the preschool group. Tyler had a great time on his pirate themed adventure. Here they are making their own flags for their "ships".


As Derek's Father's Day present we went to see the Star Wars Exhibit at the MN Science Museum. We liked the models, costumes and hands on experiments. We made a hover craft and programed a robot.

Friday, June 20, 2008

MN Zoo

We took a trip to the MN Zoo yesterday. They have a new Grizzly Bear exhibit. They are enormous! They walk right up to the glass and show themselves off. If ever anyone wants to join us for a zoo trip we are ready to go!

Slip Slidin' Away

Here I am still trying to catch up. The boys and baby girl have all gone for a bike ride so I can get some work done. Haha. Don't tell on me for using this precious time to blog. We have added a slip n slide to our accumulation of backyard toys. We have a nice slope for those who cannot run full tilt and dive headfirst into certain danger. (Though with these daredevil boys I'm sure it won't be long.)

Bad Blogger

I've been remiss. It has been so long since I posted a blog. Thanks to all of you out there who are still checking. Your persistence will be rewarded. Though I haven't been blogging, I have been taking pictures. A few favorite selections are here. Allie doing push ups in her party dress. (Note the strength in her big toe!) The boys all together before a Father's Day golf outing. And finally, Miss Allie. Too big for her britches and already wanting to stand up all the time. I am glued to her side because she also thinks she is big enough to let go. Yikes.

Saturday, June 7, 2008


In liew of the fifty or so treasure maps Tyler has drawn this week and in preparation for our pirate based vacation Bible school that Tyler and I will be doing in a few weeks we decked (get it decked?) out our rug rats in pie rat (get it pirate-pie-rat) garb.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Allie at 6 months

Baby Allie had her six month checkup this week. She weights 20 pounds and measures 27 1/4 inches. She is both deliciously chubby and tall. We expect she will slim up in the next few months as she learns to get around more. She is already getting from a sitting position to up on all fours (knees and hands) and rocking back and forth. Whoa boy, here we go. Look out world!

New Deck part 1

Our new deck is done with phase one. The surface. Thanks to Uncle Bill, Papa Harold and Papa Bryant for their help. We can't wait to get the railings on next week.

Summer time

We had a gloriously sunny and warm weekend here in MN. We got out our pool and put on our suits and frolicked in the back yard.