Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Dirty, dirty, clean

Sometimes Allie just has to stop, take a moment and roll around on the ground. Today her choice of rolling location was the dirty, dusty depression just under one of the swings on the swing set. She could not have found a dirtier place for her roll-a-round. And as fate would have it I spent the morning scrubbing out the tub. It was clean, for a few hours, I promise!

3rd of July Parade

This third of July we put on our own parade. We invited some friends, decorated our bikes and our faces then rode down the block throwing candy at neighbors. It was very fun to decorate our bikes and make balloon hats (they didn't work so well with the helmets, though). We finished off with a hot dog grill out and backyard revelry. We might just make it a yearly occurrence!