Thursday, September 25, 2008

Children's Museum

Oh my! We had a most excellent time at the Minnesota Children's Museum. September is definitely the time to go. We nearly had the place to ourselves. We rolled our golf balls down the varied chutes including this spiral "swirly slide"
We shopped until we dropped at the grocery store. It was the first time we haven't had to fight for carts and we could make multiple trips because there were no other children waiting in line. Delightful.
We also drove the "Daddy Bus" around town and played mailman. We explored conveyor belts at a "factory" and nearly wore grandma Nancy out. "Come on Grandma, we need more blocks." True foremen. We crawled through an ant hill and thankfully found our way out. We will most assuredly remember this September treasure and make our yearly pilgrimage during this time.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Garden of 2008

Our final garden delight is the blooming of our sunflowers. Our first garden ever filled us with delight and at times disappointment. We enjoyed watching things bloom and were able to eat broccoli, tomatoes, watermelon, cantaloupe, carrots and raspberries. Our pumpkins started out with a bang and promptly took over the world. Then to my great dismay they were attacked by some icky worms. The crop was decimated. Our corn was also first attacked by a raccoon and then stricken with some virus? Good thing Grandma Nancy is a master gardener and takes great delight in diagnosing all our wilting plants. Overall though I consider our first ever garden a huge success. The boys are excited for next year when we will add more crops and hopefully harvest a few strawberries.

Friday, September 12, 2008

First Day of School

Off to school. I don't know who was more excited. I had some free time with Allie to do some work at church and then read in the car while she napped. Blissful. They had a great time at school, Tyler in Miss Connie's class and Danny in Miss Kate's class. They seem to be enjoying the playground, truck room, cooking time, story time and art. They are also very proud of their transformer backpacks. Spoiled rotten!

Hole in One!

Tiger, I mean, Tyler got his first hole in one at a mini golf course. He takes his golfing very seriously, just like his Papa and uncles.