The family had a great time celebrating the
Resurrection of Christ our Lord. Danny always has lots of God/Jesus questions and I delight in him asking them. We had both sides of relatives at our house. Our OUTDOOR egg hunt was marvelous. Finally a warm weather Easter!
Luke got his first Easter basket and enjoyed munching on his Twins shirt. Allie had so much fun she snuck off downstairs during dinner and fell asleep in the
Exersaucer. I don't know if she got in and was stuck so she decided to sleep or just found a comfy place to snooze.

I don't know how comfy it was to kneel on the ridges in the bottom of the saucer. The Easter bunny forgot that grownups don't get Easter baskets and got me one too. Dark chocolate
truffles win every time. I don't know how many more years we have where Tyler still embraces the mysteries of Santa, the Easter bunny, the Tooth Fairy etc. but this year he suspended his skepticism and got into the show. We don't ever want to forget the reason for this celebration though!