Tuesday, December 29, 2009
My excuse!
Monday, November 30, 2009
Way, way behind
This is Luke William, our third son. He was born October 22. He weighed 8 lb 10 oz. He is now almost six weeks old. It has been hard for me to get computer time so I am afraid my blogging has suffered. Other than that we are doing amazingly well. I have been keeping my cool much better than expected even though his night time sleeping is worse than I expected. He is starting to grow out of his cranky phase and is having more moments of smiles and conversational snorts and squeaks. Evenings are still rough while he complains and protests every little thing. We will get him figured out sooner or later.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Happy Birthday Papa!
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
So Long Metrodome
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Danny is 4!
Where does time go? While we await baby #4 in just 2 weeks, our 2nd child is 4 today (Monday).
Oh it seems like yesterday that Danny had no hair (see below, and really he didn't have much for a LONG time!)...but Danny has always been a gaggle of giggles, his boyish smile, energy and laughter have been blessings to our family for 4 years.
He is becoming a greater big brother to lil' sis Allie, especially due to Tyler being in kindergarten all morning every day of the week now...he is "the man of the house" on Mon, Wed and Fri mornings!
Danny is in year 2 of preschool and has Ms Nancy, who Tyler had in year 1 of preschool. He likes her already because "She doesn't talk to me much.". Ah, kids.
Danny's biggest desires still seem to be anything physical ("Transformer fights" with dad and tyler), generally tackling, is a big swinger on the swing set these days, and this past summer has been making chalk drawings every day (yes, that is a lot of chalk).
Thanks to many family that were here Saturday for a party of sorts for Danny, he had a "great time, yeah" and Sunday went to Chuck E Cheese with Ava and Rowan, a school friend and the other a neighbor, for his "friends" celebration. What a weekend of birthday mania!

Monday, September 14, 2009
Too big
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Dirty, dirty, clean
Sometimes Allie just has to stop, take a moment and roll around on the ground. Today her choice of rolling location was the dirty, dusty depression just under one of the swings on the swing set. She could not have found a dirtier place for her roll-a-round. And as fate would have it I spent the morning scrubbing out the tub. It was clean, for a few hours, I promise!
3rd of July Parade
This third of July we put on our own parade. We invited some friends, decorated our bikes and our faces then rode down the block throwing candy at neighbors. It was very fun to decorate our bikes and make balloon hats (they didn't work so well with the helmets, though). We finished off with a hot dog grill out and backyard revelry. We might just make it a yearly occurrence!
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
The harvest
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Annual Itasca Camping Trip!
So this year's journey to Itasca State Park, the home of the Mississippi River, was a welcome break from the normal...especially for how cool it's been for July here in MN.

This year's trip was not an all-male one like 2008, this year was the "year of the Dierdorfs". (Grandma) Nancy, (Papa) Harold, Uncle Nate and his girlfriend Martina all joined us for a long weekend of tent camping.
It was a great time --- from the pics you can see the boys did some boat 'driving', their first fishing attempt (nope, no fish caught by anyone), and a LOT of bike riding (further than last year and wow those hills!). The newest and most exciting of it all seemed to be something done in the last 2 days: the FIRE TOWER. The old fire tower was conquered by Danny and Tyler even with its 100ft tall towering presence. All I can say is "wow".
Monday, June 29, 2009
7 years

What about Cathryn??
Far be it for me to argue any such substantially accurate point with my wonderful wife of 7 years...the other side of this partnership of course is my Cathryn...
So the one to sacrifice for our family, our children...so the one to always take on a new challenge--whether it's as "simple" as hosting a garage sale, or as encompassing as running the nursery at church, she is simply amazing. The fact that our children lack of nothing in terms of her time, creativity, teaching, and overall time management, is a testament to how wonderful a mother she is and will continue to be.
I know as we look to the 4th and likely final child, we wonder how "phase III" of our life together will be...no doubt more of what we've seen this year already--less diapers, more active kids, and more events to take them to...not to mention them heading off to "big school" like Tyler will do for kindergarten this fall. They do grow up fast...
I am blessed to have Cathryn in my life, and I know many of you have felt the blessings she showers in all of her wonderful things she brings to our lives. I love you honey.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Updates on Tyler's Blog...
Tyler has new updates on his blog page...click to it and enjoy!
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Diamond in the Rough
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Workin' Men
Monday, May 11, 2009
Take me out to the ball game
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Happy Mother's Day!
Well what can Tyler ,Danny, Allie and I say? We do have the BEST when it comes to Cathryn (Cassie)!

Tyler, Danny and Allie would type if they could: " She plays with us, does stuff for us, makes us food, makes us giggle, makes owies better, snuggles us, creates crafts with us, teaches us, and loves us"
As her husband, I would simply say this: "While I would never say anything but that my Mom is the best ever, I can't also deny that my wife is the best mom for my kids there could ever and will ever be. Her self-sacrifice and duty to them every single day makes my time away at work pale in comparsion on how wonderful our kids are and will continue to be due to their time with her. How she can do all that she does amazes me. That my kids sometimes give me more "credit" for being fun due to my limited time with them that tends to be more fun-oriented is something that I know is unwarranted. She is the glue for our wonderful family and I love her so very much, this day and every day."
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Down on Gramma's Farm
Our good little buddy Rowan, and his family, invited us to Rowan's Gramma's farm to see the new baby kitties. This was a super special treat for us. The 5 kittens were only 8 days old. Tyler has fallen in love. All the way home he asked when he can get a kitty and suggesting that we can go to the pet store and just look around but not buy yet. He is gonna have to sell Daddy because I think Mommy might just have fallen in love too. Don't tell him that though. I might have to tough it out.
Monday, April 6, 2009
Nickolodeon Universe
Tyler's dream came true last Friday. Daddy took the day off of work and we all descended on the theme park at Mall of America. We got (with a whispered, awestruck voice) UNLIMITED RIDE WRISTBANDS. Thank you Burger King for the great coupons. We rode and rode, rather the boys and Daddy rode and rode. Pregnant mom's aren't allowed to ride. Allie did get to go on a few. The bumper cars were a hit once the kids figured out how to straighten the wheel to get out of a fast, reverse, counterclockwise spin. Dad gave rides on the big boy bumper cars. The frog hopper was fun. It ascended to a height of about 16 feet and then bounced you down to the ground. Danny's face registered terror at the top and glee by the bottom, then back up to the top for terror and down again. Carousel, giant swings, Ferris wheel, flying Blue's Clues, ect. The grand finale was the very fast, very grown up, log chute ride. This mother's heart was clenched with fear but all survived though vows were made to never go on that ride again until, "we are 7 or 8 years old."
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