Friday, February 29, 2008


Danny exhibits a comfy way to watch cartoons. I don't know how he keeps his feet from falling asleep. He is a wiggle bug and finds new and interesting positions daily.

Creation of the Week

With a nod to train track creations of the past, we delve into the untapped world of marble towers. Tyler, builder extraordinaire, created this masterpiece. He always makes sure no routes are blocked and no pieces are left out.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

I love my tongue!

Bleh-blub. Blah-blah-blllllaaaah. Baaa-lubba-lubba-bleh! -Love Allie

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Target Dog

Derek the Great has earned yet another promotion, this one with a change of department. As of March 16 he will be working more on the technology side of things. From what I understand (which probably doesn't even come close to the full scope of the reality) he will be a go between for program designers and those who utilize them. He will also find way to use current programs more effectively. I hope this will be a fun job for him. Though he will miss those he works with in the Merchandise Presentation Division, he is excited about moving on to what should be a very fun position!

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Creation of the Week

As you can see our most recent creations all involve trains. Our design has evolved to include Lego Tunnel complete with Crane and "Super Duper" Hotel.

Water Play

We had a great time swimming at Silly Grandma (Mischelle) and Papa Bryant's pool. We splashed around on our new kickboards and jumped off the edge to Daddy. Daddy and Grandpa especially liked the hot tub for warming up in.

Friday, February 15, 2008

News at Northern Illinois U

We thank God that Greg's girlfriend, Anna, who is finshing up her studies at Northern Illinois University in Dekalb, was not injured in Thursday's shooting. We are praying for the students, especially those injured and the families of those killed.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Creation of the Week

This family room size train track was created by Tyler and mom. We used all available track. Our trains celebrated a birthday party for Trevor the Traction Engine. Everyone was there, including all three Thomases. Though some trains got lost along the way, Tyler was able to get them to the right place.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Tyler's 4th Birthday

Wow, how can Tyler be 4?!

It seems like just the other day that Cathryn was working working at BRU until the day before he was born...I got the call at Toys R Us after she felt like it was "something real happening" while on the phone with her dad. And just like that Johnson family addition #1 was here on Jan 31, 2004. Times flies...

Enjoy the birthday video -- even though I forgot to shoot it the other way, so turn your head sideways!

Bath Time!

Ah yes, boys love their baths don't they?

Tyler and Danny had an extended one the other night, playing with toys and dumping water out of a classic MN Twins cup. ah, remember when we all got to do such things???


Mommy put piggie tails in my hair today. She never expected a child of hers to have piggie tails younger than three months. French braids are not far off.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

The Birthday of the Century

Tyler celebrated his fourth birthday with a music theme. Of course. Mom made a drum cake, (I am so glad his passion does not run to the french horn,) we played inflatable guitars and had a dance party to the melodious sounds of Nightranger-Tyler's favorite band.

Boys with Sis

The boys love their baby sister. We had fun yesterday with our friend Callie.

Our happy baby girl, Allie is now two and a half months old. Her smiles get bigger and bigger every day!

Today we begin

In an effort to keep up with our friends and family we decided to start our own blog. We so enjoy our friends' blog (Thanks Mike and Amy) that we thought, what the heck-lets enter the age of technology.